<!ENTITY searchSubdir.label "Look in subdirectories">
<!ENTITY searchMatch.label "Match case">
<!ENTITY searchRegexp.label "Regular expression">
<!ENTITY searchDates.label "Specify dates">
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<!ENTITY mozilla.quote "And, <html:em>lo</html:em>, from the <html:em>darkness</html:em> they emerged: a host of the faithful to <html:em>aide</html:em> the reborn beast in its quest to <html:em>reclaim</html:em> the land. Together they <html:em>extended</html:em> the power of the beast and <html:em>spread</html:em> the good news of its return. One by one the followers of <html:em>Mammon</html:em> were converted and their hearts were set <html:em>aflame</html:em>.">
<!ENTITY mozilla.from "from <html:strong>The Book of Mozilla</html:strong>, 8:2">